Tuesday, September 16, 2008


A little more "nesting" chat...
Here's my philosophy about nesting, especially as I am just 6 months along...I may as well satisfy my motherly urges to get things done while I feel like it, you know? I had Bill bring up my 0-3 months totes of baby clothes and all of my baby supplies. Of course, as I went through it, I cried.
Anyway, I washed all of the clothes and other supplies, including a ton of blankets, and folded them neatly in the baby's dresser. I feel good.
Back to the "blankets" issue. I love baby blankets. I especially love ones that people made for Luke after he was born. I have one beautiful quilt made by Bill's grandmother and another made by a dear friend that still hang on Luke's crib. At the same time, blankets must have been the thing to give to newborns when Luke was born, especially those really soft fuzzy blankets that you can get at Target. I love soft blankets, but as I was washing all 15, yes 15, I began to wonder, why in the world didn't I take some of these back? Luke never used even a fraction of these. I must have been so caught up in "baby bliss" that I felt bad returning anything that had to do with babies. What was wrong with me? I could've returned all of those blankets and got a really cool swing or something. Ugh...
The moral of the story is...a handful of blankets is plenty. Cherish the ones that people make for the baby and return the rest of them!!!
Oh, and one more thing...if anyone needs really soft baby blankets from Target that have never been used (even though the tags ARE cut off...geesh), I have them. I will be taking them to Goodwill this week, so let me know if you need any before I donate them to someone who finds them as irresistible as I did. Good golly. Holy Mother blankets!

1 comment:

Julie said...

How funny! I love baby blankets, too and we got a lot as gifts when Emma was born. I especially like the homemade ones, too. It turned out okay because Emma loves using blankets for her "babies". And we have plenty!