Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We have the sickies at our house. Katelyn got a cold last week. It started with a fever on Tuesday night. I took her to the doctor (again) because I thought she might have another ear infection. Apparently, a toddler having a fever and swatting at her ear means that her ears look perfect. Oh well. She continued to get this nasty runny nose and cough. On Sunday, Luke woke up with the cough and by Sunday afternoon, had a fever. It's Wednesday. He was fever-free for most of the day yesterday but woke up in the middle of the night and it had returned. Katelyn is pretty much on the mend with the exception of a little mucus.
This-has-been-terrible. I need out of the house! I need fresh air. I may just open a few windows today to let some clean air in.
And, for all you moms out there, don't you just hate toiling with the decision of whether or not you should take your child to the doctor? Should I? Shouldn't I? Maybe I should? Yep, I'm going to call. No, it's just a virus. Insanity, I tell you!

1 comment:

Janna said...

Having dealt with my fair share of ear infections I have come to determine no two are ever alike, some have fevers some don't, some have drainage coming out, some have drainage going down the throat, sometimes they throw up . . . sometimes I take them in just because I have "a feeling" and the doctor thinks I'm a bit crazy, and sure enough, ear infection. So all that being said, go with your gut, sometimes peace of mind is worth the copay. Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!